Finally getting somewhere

So I’ve not posted in a while – partially due to brain drain, partially due to work, and partially due to wedding prep.

Weddings take effort, who knew?

So here’s a post about stuff I’ve been up to, and my reactions to fanfest.

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What goes around comes around…

Obvious bias is obvious: I dislike Co2 leadership. This is an understatement, I think they are a massive bag of dicks, and they make fozziesov look like the gentle ideas of a hill of wool-brained sheep.

Obviously this is going to be an opinion piece, so take it with the usual mountain of salt (I’ll supply it, don’t worry), because holy shit I’m loving this right now!

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Pointless ramble

So I haven’t written in a while.

I haven’t logged in much either.

I got distracted (planning a wedding, and playing that new Foxhole game will do that).

But oh look, a new Project Discovery…

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Same old Same old

So someone posted this over on on INN.

Same old story about the fall of BoB.

Is there anything new?

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BB80 – Is CSM worth it?

CCP Seagull ecourages you to get involved in CSM12 and put your name forward to be a Space-Politician. On his blog Neville Smit noted that CSM11 had done a good job with minimum of drama. However he said he’d not be covering CSM12 like he has in previous years as he sees no point. The power-blocs will vote on who they want and unless Steve Ronuken manages to get on CSM12 it is almost certainly going to have every seat taken by the big null-sec blocs.
Is Neville right? Is the CSM moving more and more into just a voice for 0.0? Is this a bad thing? Are the hi-sec, low-sec and WH players going to lose out badly or is it really not an issue as its the same game? Could a totally null-sec dominated CSM 12 give a balanced voice for everyone?
Welp, here’s a thing I don’t know quite as much about as usual. Let’s get to it!

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BB79 – Veteran Rewards?

Okay, so there’s a new blog banter out here.

Should CCP put more effort into rewards for loyal customers? The mystery code from the collector’s edition hasn’t seen much use and whilst veteran rewards have been mentioned by CCP several times at Fanfests, we have seen nothing. Wasn’t there talk of a special station only 10-year vets could dock in at one point?
Is this lack of gratitude towards loyal customers alienating? Do people wish for a change here? Is it too self-righteous to expect small signs of gratitude for being a loyal customer? Is a customer purchasing half a year in advance more loyal than someone plexing every now and than probably missing out a few weeks or months a year? How do CCP place rewards in game without hurting the economy?
Or is it just a case of there is no need and HTFU snowflake?

Arek’Jaalan and the Mysterious Shuttle

I am reproducing my previous work here so that it is not necessarily lost.

This is work on investigating the Geztic Mysterious Shuttle, and the Charmerout Mysterious Probe.

I get that the old Arek’Jaalan stuff is largely considered dropped/ignored/etc, but in-character in-universe it’s still there, still continuing, and I don’t remember any official shutdown or acknowledgement of such, at least not on the capsuleer end.

I’ll get around to an M-0 post at a later date (possibly today or tomorrow if I remember).

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BB78 – The Great Reset

Okay, so, my first attempt at doing a Blog Banter!

So, obviously I’m no expert, regardless of my active account time and game time.

But I do have some experience, so I’ll just have to draw on that to paint my picture.

Blog Banter 78 – The Big Reset
Just for a moment engage your “willing suspension of disbelief”. Imagine that CCP, at downtime today, reset everything in Eve Online. Everything! When you logged in you were in a starter system with your character… but now with less than a million skill points, a mere 5000 ISK and a noob ship (now with civilian afterburner!). Markets are pretty empty other than a few seeded items. All Sov is gone. All player structures are gone. All PI infrastructure is gone. No corps or alliances exist. Nothing remains. New Eden is suddenly a completely level playing field and the next great gold-rush is on? Or is it? What happens now?

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Current Events

So, I didn’t exactly want to write about this, but when I saw the articles pop up, I felt that I had to.

I’d prefer to write about fluffy adventures in FW or something, and I will sooner or later.

But this and this sort of sprang up on me. Plus this, but take it with a pinch of salt.

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Here’s a few things

Okay, so on a personal note, I grabbed all my freebies yesterday.

That’s a lot of stuff! Some of it very pretty stuff. Which I will probably never undock from the station I’ve stored it in. Too bad.

Also this is a thing. I do find it sort of amusing, but on the other hand they could just be redeploying their supers to lowsec to avoid bubbles – just like the Saranen strategy…

But that’s enough of that, let’s hop along to more interesting stuff.

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